
A couchsurfer becomes a friend

A year ago, Lauren and I bummed around Guatemala for a week, couchsurfing from town to town, and falling in love with the country that many before us had just as easily fallen in love with.

Through our travels, we ran into a PCV in Huehuetenango named David. We crashed at his place and, over some good Panamanian rum and a heterosexually-shared banana split, got a good rundown of life in Guatemala and the sites and sounds that make the country as special as it is.

Well last week, David repaid the favor. His service is up, and he came down for the week to vagar, as we say. It was a great chance to give him a good taste of la vida salvadoreƱa.

He took a bunch of photos, too many to post, but here are a few...

He's pretty computer saavy and even put together a short video of us playing in the Juayua waterfalls. So cool.

Cameraman: David
Music: The Wombats - Moving to New York

The Engineers Without Borders folks were back in country and it made for some good times.

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