While participating in the Tri-State Trek, Mearns took part in the Bi-State Pee. Not nearly as internationally recognized as the Trek, but highly respected in certain circles.
After 270 miles, the ride ends with a brutal climb dubbed "Jon's Street" by the ride organizers in honor of Jon "Blazeman" Blais, the Ironman triathlete whose famous battle with ALS has inspired many.
Jon's Street comes at mile 70 on Day 3 and, like Heartbreak Hill in the Boston, it couldn't come at a worse time. For many riders, the climb feels as if it's vertical, and serves as a metaphor for the fight against ALS itself - a daunting challenge that appears totally insurmountable, yet if taken pedal by pedal, day by day, can be overcome.
As the road climbs, inspirational messages are written in chalk on the road and all along the sides of the street, ride supporters and families cheer on the riders who are often brought to tears from sheer exhaustion.
At the top, police and fire fighters crowd around the riders. It's an amazing spectacle and a fitting end to the ride.
At that point, everyone groups up and forms a giant parade stretching for miles all the way down to the welcome tents where families, friends, and a bbq feast await.
Here's our mom, clearly caught up in the post-ride jubilation.
The med staff, the only reason I survived my fourth ride to NY, having trained only a handful of days.
The rain and chills of hypo didn't stop us from putting back a few celebratory beers.
Here's Martini and Kevin, who could always get a smile out of me every time he sped by on his beast of a motorcycle.

I want to end with a quick shoutout to team captain and fellow Team America founder, Chuck McNamee, who, along with Steve, make up the heart and soul of Team America.
In 2007, when Chuck and I first took part in the ride and half-jokingly named the team, never taking ourselves too seriously or expecting our name to produce anything more than a passing smile, we raised something like $6,700.
Neither of us could have ever imagined that in the four years since its formation, Team America would grow to be the second largest ride team, 10 members strong, and raise over $19,500 for ALS research.
Hats off to you, my friend. You have a lot to be proud of.

Looking forward to Tri-State Trek 2011!
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