
Dengue, it's all the rage

Something I didn't want to formally announce until it was officially ancient history was my health, which is good (relax!). But a few weeks ago, it definitely wasn't.

For those who haven't heard, I was fortunate enough to pick up a minor case of... drumroll please... dengue! Yep, dengue. And I say minor because it never developed beyond a bad fever, nausea, and some achiness. One morning I woke up and my eyes kind of hurt, but my platelets never dropped low enough to scare PC Med and it was nothing a few nights in the capital recovering couldn't fix, which in the end worked out well since I was able to watch the Celts smoke the Magic.

Now a group of us is getting ready to watch the Celts take down LA in Game 1 at the Country Director's house. Oh yeah, flat screen tv!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're ok - sounds messy!

    Can't wait to see you next month BF#2!
