Here are the guys pulling out the bee colonies. By the way, while I was crying in the corner about my three little bee stings, these guys were literally getting stung over 20 times. And laughing about it. Res-pec! (...said in an Ali G voice)

My buddy Carlos cutting off the honeycombs

The whirly-gig machine doing what whirly-gig machines do...
whirl. gig.

Me and Carlos with one of the colonies

So I got a marshmallow hand for the week, but on the bright side, I can check off another item on my life list. So there ya go. And now I have a legitimate medical reason to take 4 benadryls a night and pass out at 8 pm.
Ok - so let's add beekeeping to our list of items we'll be checking off when we're there in 33 days.